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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:30   #58
logoris's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Markham, ON
Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
wow now i get the "your not even telling the truth replies". Get bartek in here and see what he has to say first. Cus if hes so RESPECTED and honest hes gona tell u they were GOOD enough for him to stuggle for a month on. If thats what all u guys want is proof ill put up a picture of my guns tomoro for all u who wanna just get off topic and start making excuses. The m7 is a full metal body TROY with every magpul part u can imagine. Dont talk to me about being a kid cus im not av or complaining about 140$, sorry but to me thats alot for some service i never got in the first place. And what are u even saying white-knight?? I gave him both of my guns which sat in his house.......
Dont tell me to calm down, i aint freaking out, im trying to defend myself from all of u who seem to agree with the guy who hasnt even said a word yet.
whats wrong with posting them now and there are knock off magpul i can get an mbus sight set for 15bux, we arnt making excuses we are telling you the truth your the one trying to blame someone else for something you dont understand

troy is just a name just because you put it in bold doesnt mean its real

only half decent service you would get for 140 is from a hooker on a corner

you get what you pay for

short time + little money + you bitching = you think u would get quality if so check your self into a mental hospital

and if you have this short a fuse you should never be allowed to drive on public roads
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