Since I got it my ICS L85A2 (SA80) has been great except for the hop characteristics. Even with the hop off the BB's went skywards and off to the right.
The BB's going to the right is due to the hop applying 'lop sided' pressure due to its design and with the hop off some of the rubber bump was visible in the barrel.
This is what has worked for me..........
1. replaced the hop rubber with a madbull blue BUT i ground the hop bump off.
2. i threw the nub away and replaced it with a 5/32" ball bearing out of a bicycle head race set. 5/32 is just under 4mm and fits in the nub slot perfectly.
3. I reduced the height of the hop arm (the bit that pushes down on the nub) so that off was off and there was no protrusion into the barrel.
4. Now the new 'nub' pushes perfectly downwards onto the BB with no 'lop sided' pressure. When I applied the correct amount of hop the BB's fly straight and level with no deviation until the end of their flight.