Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z
any reason you chose the american side over the rebels?
So we could use our high speed gear.
At the start of the night game we all crammed into a tent and tried to listen Col. McKnight and a few other guys come up with a plan of what we were going to do. I never heard what was being discussed as we were too far but when they were all done, we left and then just pushed for the rest of the night. There were things like this that seemed to drag on and didn't serve much of a purpose. The first morning at 9am there was like a 1 hour welcome/briefing and it was cold out. That could have been shortened. My biggest complaint is the waste of time. Games lasted about 3 hours then an hour or two breaks in between. On Sunday we had a 2 hour game and then stood around for two more while they gave out prizes and speeches. When traveling big distances and spending big money to go to these things I'd prefer more time spent doing what we came to do. There was probably 10-11 hours of total game time over the two days. Too short IMO. Especially when you have this amazing facility. We should have maximized every minute we had.