KWA G19 HELP! lol
alright... this is a customers gun.. bought it off ASC "just a mag problem" ...
yeah.. he bought it, bought a bunch of new mags... it's far more then a mag problem
anyways.. onto the fun part. the gun vents, or goes full on short stroke full auto cyclic firing ... oh and the slide randomly falls off (but I beleive that is a worn down slide release )
KWA G19 ... already has a bunch of aftermarket parts installed (I didn't install) ...
- metal slide (not sure if aftermarket or KSC/KWA
- recoil spring
- hammer spring
- metal mag catch
- metal rocket valve
- metal valve knocker
now.. the stock : rocket valve, knocker, hammer spring are in the box ..
wondering if that worn slide release is messing things up .. or if I should dig into the firing group and return it to stock too? the stock parts show no signs of damage or wear
the slide falling off only started after I fixed some damage to the rear rails of the slide that stopped it from sliding smoothly
just looking for some help from the community
oh! .. when the gun goes cyclic ... I rack the slide without the mag in and the valve striker goes in on the rackback.... but when the slide comes forward the knocker doesn't stay back it comes forward again.. not until I stick my finger in the magwell and push the knocker inplace while I rack the slide (it's funny to watch I won't lie) I can get the knocker to go back place
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
Leader - M.E.R.C. multi enviroment recon CAVALRY
"SIR!, you've gone mad with power!"
"Ofcourse I have, you ever gone mad without power, it's useless, no one pays any attention"
The Cavalry Comes
Last edited by Reckless; December 18th, 2011 at 15:07..