my vietnam load out
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December 18th, 2011, 02:31
Sgt. Sparkles
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Join Date: Nov 2008
my vietnam load out
just picked up a type 56. and bought shit loads of vietnam stuff on ebay
US GI belt, suspender, butt pack , tiger stripe uniform, 1911 holster+ mag pouches, on and on.... oh and ofcuz a Chicom rig
this is what the gun looked like as i received yesterday
today i went to a gun store and they had AK upper and lower hand guard + and chinese SKS sling , all in a grand total of 50 bucks tax in.... i know some of you prefer wearing the gun out by gaming it. but lets face it. if you play twice a week ,every week for a year. itd only be 100 days or so of use. thats nothing compare of years of service in harsh condition in the vietnam war. plus i could never get the barrel hot enough to burn the wood in an airsoft. so i went ahead and age the spare hand guard + the rest of the gun to match.
burn it from the in side out by heating the gas tube
ran over the rest of the gun with scotch brite and steel wool
little bit of rust and heat damage look.
half my load out, still waiting for the era correct stuff i mentioned above.
im waiting for this....
sort of inspired by this.
bit of an update. my tiger strips arrived. still waiting for the chicom and 1911 holster.
Last edited by RUSTSPOT; December 22nd, 2011 at
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