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Old December 12th, 2011, 09:12   #9
SlowEddy's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: M.Sauga
hmmm. I have been running the gun with the stock spring guide stop in the 2nd position for 2 years or so with out incident....until of-course the plastic stop snapped.. pistons were fine tho. I was always under the impression that Ares m60 had the 2 position spring guides for FPS variations

I guess i have been doing it wrong :S

I'll try cutting out the block so it fits in the 3mm grove and see how it goes

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The back end of the spring guide is forever and always FLUSH with the back of the mechbox, it has only ONE position.
The retention pin that's supposed to go in there locks on the groove of the spring guide, NOT the back of it.
The spring guide is in too far, when your piston goes back it over-compresses the spring to the point where it becomes solid. THAT is why your piston is breaking.
It's impossible to be out of alignment because it's the BORE that aligns the spring guide, it has nothing to do with what's behind it. Case and point, the stock gun works with the 3mm lock engagement on the back, your wooden block with 100% engagement does not.

Between the 3 people who posted there's over 8 years fixing guns, you just stripped 5 pistons in a row and you still have no idea what you did wrong. Set your spring guide up properly, try it again, then come back and tell us the result.

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