i'll hafta disagree with latency on one thing, this is my first year airsofting and i had lots of money to spend so i have a complete load-out already. by which i mean aegs, bdus, vests, radios and of course my very first real airsoft pistol. i purchased a kwa m9 ptp because it felt good in my hands. and i have used it alot this year.
on our teams field we have a old barn which we use for some cqb play and it haas a fps limit so once i go into the barn my rifle shoots to hot. so i get to use it alot. we also play a game called pilot where someone goes out with just a pistol and hides a "black-box" in both of these instances i have gotten to use and get kills with my pistol.
as i am slowly learning pistols have there time in place when your rifle can't move fast enough or shoots to hot for a respective area. so depending on your game style will depend on how much you use your pistol.
in my first year of airsoft i've probably gotten 15-20 kills with it...and pistol kills are second only to mercy/knife kills to best reactions and how you feel when you get them