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Old December 11th, 2011, 03:53   #6
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
1) Which pistol is the closest analogue to a "version 2 M4 with easily replacable parts" in the pistol world? (emphasis on TM if it helps answer this question). What parts are upgradable/changable? Like with AEGs, are there companies which cluster around upgrading given models/brands?
My personnal favorites:
- TM HiCapa (all models)
- TM Glock 17
- KSC Glock 19

Pistols are a bit less polarized than AEGs, there are a few dominant makes and models but there aren't any specific models that imposes themselves as the M4 of the GBB world.

Just stick with TM and KSC/KWA, choose a few models that suit your tastes and check to see what kind of reviews and aftermarket support they have.

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
2) If upgrading internals to improve reliability is an absolutely-recommended must, then what are the minimum must-have upgrades to survive lots of games in various weather extremes? (hurray for Ontario weather swings!)
Depending on what you end up buying, you shouldn't feel obligated to upgrade anything. I've have stock KSC Glocks for years that haven't shown any issues.

As with anything gas, temperature is hard to manage. If it's really hot outside, pass by the chrono to be sure your pistol isn't over the limit.

For cold weather, any gas gun will struggle to shoot. CO2 mags might allow you to game in lower °Cs, but if you're planing on playing in the middle of winter only a springer will be useful, barring external air setups.

Not much you can do, just a fact of gas vs cold.

Lookup upgrade paths for particular models depending on what you want to do with it, I usually change the valves and add a tightbore.

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
3) Tech-wise, what do I need to teach myself to be a happy gas pistol owner?
How to properly operate a propane adaptor, mainly the amount of oil to add.

How to strip, clean, diagnose and reassemble your pistol. Taking KSC Glocks as an exemple, the whole thing can be done in under 10 minutes and is rather easy to learn.

Refer to YouTube for model specific guides and don't disassemble more than you need.

Have proper tools, LocTite, tefflon tape, oil, etc...

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
4) What are some of the first things to fail? Is there a standard takedown-and-make-it-good procedure after purchase, like with AEGs? (I always re-shim, clean and re-lube now after buying AEGs and this has been a huge help).
Depends on the model, some things:
- Cracked plastic slide from propane use (metal slides are more fun anyway)
- Leaky seals (leave a bit of gas in the mags at all time, oil them properly)
- Loading nozzles on certain models (A KSC M11a1 will snap it's nozzle near instantly if you insert the mag without cocking the bolt)
- Sand can fuck up all kinds of things, don't drop them. If sand comes into direct contact with the mags or the gun, stop use, strip and clean EVERYTHING

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
5) What aspects of pistols do noobs think is important but wise old-timers know is unimportant? In AEGs, I find new people overvalue certain features while ignoring advice from people who know money and effort is better-spent.
- Going balls out on upgrades (and I have a near 2k$ Capa to prove it)
- Avoid WE pistols at all cost
- Buying a metric ton of mags (3-4 total is a nice starting number)
- Avoid automatic pistols as a first purchase

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
6) Assuming a decent budget and wanting the experience sooner rather than later, what will I want to add to my gear loadout to have my pistol comfortably at my side at all times? What are some stupid choices I'd just end up replacing?
After the gun itself, the holster is the most important piece to look into. I scrapped a KSC Glock by cheaping out on this back in 06.

Pistols are pretty much the same mesurements as their real life counterparts, so after choosing the model look into real gear forums to see what works in real life.

If you want to go the dropleg route, duct tape 2-3 pounds of stuff mid thigh and see how it feels. If you're like me, you'll find out that you'll either have issues with a pistol flopping around or being secure to a point movement is weird.

Start stock with a good holster and a loaded mag pouch, branch out.

Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
7) I need help in developing a smart budget. What should I be looking to spend? What are the distinct "budget buckets" in this space?

I'm really hoping that some of the stuff I learn here will be useful to others.
The most expensive issue barring complete loss is a slide replacement, 75-200+$ depending on the quality you are looking for.

I'd keep a few consummables on hand, like an extra valve, a few seals, a hop-up. There's nothing too expensive to deal with but you might as well grab a few items with an order rather than pay seperate shipping and wait weeks for that critical piece to come.

Each model has specific failure points, lookup reviews. Stock up on a few.
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