I'm wondering, how many mods can one make to a base gun before it no longer can be associated with its base gun?
Case in point- I'm building a C8FTHB. Essentially differs from an M4A1 in appearance by having a:
- 16 Inch Heavy Barrel with Simon Sleeve
- Diamaco BUIS
- CAR Stock instead of the M4 Enhanced Stock
- Elcan C79A2 or EoTech 552
- Slim CAR grips with TRIAD
- Canadian Markings
- Rectangular Sling Loop at Reciever
Now, there's a couple of differences I thought acceptable:
- Specter DR instead of Elcan or EoTech because I already owned a Spectre DR
- KAC RIS because I'm not a huge fan of the TRIAD
- LaRue BUIS since this was a fairly fluid area of choice
Which looked like this:
Then after getting my CAR stock I wasn't too much of a fan of it... so I decided I wanted a VLTOR ModStock. Which means that the gun looks like this now:
Which didn't strike me as particularly Canadian in appearance. The only CF specific content would be the markings, the loop and the 16 inch barrel (Which I am aware is wrong in the gun builder, but there was no L119 barrel available.)
I know there are variations in design as guys often swap out issued stuff for their own, but just in general, am I pushing that a bit too far?