If anybody starting screwing with comms during a game I would throat punch them.
Most games big enough to make use of radios have set frequencies for each team and admin/safety. If people start flooding comms to disrupt them... well the admin won't be able to get a hold of Team leaders/etc and you're risking a safety issue.
As for Radio VP... Screw all the technicalities and proper radio grammar; the MOST important thing is to speak clearly, slowly, and succinctly. You need to get out as much information as possible in a manner that EVERYONE understands and in a timely fashion.
The specifics of voice procedure only matter when you start being part of large organizations, and people you have no familiarity with. 99% of the time my VP ends up like "Hey, Jay, We're clearing through the ridge now, hold down the left flank" "Sure, got it". As far as I'm concerned, that's totally acceptable. The problem arises when people say things like "Hey, I need you to move your guys to that tree". I need to know who you're talking to and which tree you're talking about.
Master THAT skill and the rest will come easy.