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Old November 20th, 2011, 20:52   #20
Kuji's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Georgetown, ON
Originally Posted by Mandalore View Post
What they meant about Buyairsoft is that they inflate the prices on guns, well pretty much everything else as well, that should be a lot cheaper just because they know that they will get un-AV'd youngsters paying any amount just because that's one of the few places that they(i.e. their parents) can actually buy airsoft guns.
Wow that's a crying shame. But that is a good point on getting the kids to shop there, I'm actually surprised I hadn't thought before. But I didn't know anything about AV, so those were perfect at the time. Well I certainly wont be buying anything big from them again. But I have two pistols, and they will serve me until next September. Then I can sell em and get the real stuff. But I've kinda grown attached to these, so maybe I would be able to find some full metal frames. Thanks for that insight.

Originally Posted by ShadowNet View Post
Most places won't let you use lasers for obvious safety reasons. A PEQ-15 sure makes your gun look more tacticool, but it wouldn't be practical for games.
Thats a good point too. They have a tac light that is 35 lumes bright for about $90, but a real one is like 130 lumes, for that same price!

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