Originally Posted by Spawn28
With the way the weather is here I would never own a PTW any amount of moisture they are useless they can be as finely tuned and uber cool as ya want if its damp your F**ked.
I've run them in rain, laying in wet grass, humidity, and never an issue. I wouldn't submerge it, but then I wouldn't do that to any AEG, especially one with a FET.
Originally Posted by Spawn28
Dont get me wrong they are pretty to look at and hold but for the price of one and to get it up and running with mags and a couple cylinders and your looking at upwards of 3000$ not too mentiong buying all the reinforced parts that they are known for breaking.
More like about $2200 with 2 cylinders and 6 extra mags and a battery. Used, it can be much less.
Originally Posted by Spawn28
and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.
I build them all the time. Does your Jing Gong get a flat trajectory out to 270 feet (90 yards) at 420 fps? Can it still go to 300 FPS in 10 seconds? Does it get 2500 rounds out of a 1600mah battery at 420 fps?
Didn't think so.
So, what are these performance advantages again?
Originally Posted by Spawn28
Oh yeah and the prices were just based on if anybody was to buy one, Not someone with connections.
I suppose if you mean that anyone can make an internet order with a Canadian retailer and have it shipped to them, then yes, I suppose that is "connected".