With the way the weather is here I would never own a PTW any amount of moisture they are useless they can be as finely tuned and uber cool as ya want if its damp your F**ked.
Dont get me wrong they are pretty to look at and hold but for the price of one and to get it up and running with mags and a couple cylinders and your looking at upwards of 3000$ not too mentiong buying all the reinforced parts that they are known for breaking.
NOT WORTH IT! for me
and psssst. i have yet to see a PTW out perform either my CA or my KWA hell for that matter my buddies 300$ Jing Gong.
Oh yeah and the prices were just based on if anybody was to buy one, Not someone with connections.
Last edited by Spawn28; November 14th, 2011 at 18:58..