Originally Posted by Freeze
I suspect that the creators of the RS are trying to make the 5.7mm round a more recognized round like the 5.56 or the 7.62mm rounds....
EDIT: I see no point in this other than compatibility with other guns, but this doesn't even make sense because 5.7mm rounds aren't common (I think, I am probably wrong).
EDIT2: I also concur that this gun is fugly.
the round was almost adopted by NATO. The german delegation objected the adoption (note, the 4.6 by H&K was direct competition) and the project was put on the side.
side by side, as a PDW round, it was deemed superior in almost every aspect.
The round has it's perks and advantages, so I can see why somebody would want to slap that in an AR. same with KAC's SR47.
edit: of course in airsoft it doesn't change squat, but some people seem this dislike the "idea" more than the gun itself.