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Old November 3rd, 2011, 11:23   #18
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Originally Posted by Ryan92 View Post
Thanks for all the comments. Went back and returned the gun and will try to get age verified, not sure how I am going to manage to do it.

Went to an Indoor airsoft arena with a few people and had tons of fun. Will plan on spending a good amount on this hobby... Just need to get in shape first
Good choice. The only gun I would even remotely recommend for that kind of price is an Aftermath Kraken but with the caveat that you have to know exactly what you're doing and intend to eventually upgrade the shit out of that gun. It's basically a "$150 3D instruction guide" if anything then you put like $100 worth of upgrades into it to get something that likely won't break in 5 minutes. (NB: Some Krakens are pretty decent but it's the QC that sucks, for the most part they'll break in a month or whatever but others are fine for 20K or more BB's with nothing more than a shim, regrease, and better spring guide).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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