Originally Posted by ShadowNet
Thanks Drake. So the PT vests would be something like this?
Yeah, although that doesn't seem like a very faithful copy.
There are some noticeable differences though. Are there any exact replicas out there?
There are several; the nicest one (IMHO) is the Guarder version which they call the "SEAL 2000 Body Armor" (
http://www.uncompany.com/pageproduct...sp?prodid=3119). I'm not sure that it's still in production and is a bit hard to find (and a bit pricey as most Guarder products) but a few places still stock it:
etc. (shop around to find the best deal, I just listed those as examples cuz I was able to find them quickly on Google).
My second pick, a bit cheaper but
not as accurate, is the Pantac version:
But here's pics of a real one (courtesy SpecWarGear.com) and as you can see the Guarder one is much more accurate:
edit: forgot a "not" (in blue)