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Old October 19th, 2011, 20:31   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Milton
Thumbs up Inforce WML - Weapons light

Awesome flashlight I just found.
Here is the summary, but check out the website for details and pictures.

White/Infrared Multifunction Weapon Mounted Light

The INFORCE WML produces 125 lumens of penetrating white light with a tight beam for close- to mid-range applications and balanced peripheral light for discernment of the surrounding area. Features field-programmable white light – from high-to-low or low-to-high – plus a strobe that is easily disabled. A thumb-action twist of the mode selection switch provides 75mW of infrared light with no need of IR filters. Its angled activation button is comfortable to operate without interference of wires or tape switches. The integrated patent pending rail clamping system is compact, convenient and secure. Waterproof to 66 feet. Two distinct easy-to-operate lockout systems are incorporated to avoid accidental discharge.

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