Originally Posted by EagleDriver
The Tanaka/Airsoft Surgeon M870 with Madbull SS6 shells filled with CO2 for the best looking and sounding shotgun. It has a loud report and not some whimpy pfft sound, not to mention the sound when racking it. The 6 rounds are loaded in-line, but since the Airsoft Surgeon version removes the inner barrel you get a good 6 shot buckshot type spread.
But..... to start off, the tanaka 870 is shit. SUre the exterieur is all alluminum, but the interieur is all cheap plastique, easy to brake if you rack the gun 2 hard. And from experience, everything on the tanaka 870 wobbles, and i mean everything. Now i dont know much about the Airsoft surgen moded tanaka, but im sure they didint make all the internals of the gun aluminum or metal, and really that is the down fall of the tanaka. It just wont last if you plan on gaming it.
And for the madbull shells, having personally owned 15. They always leak, no matter what you do, and thats on propane. on CO2, its even whorse.
All and all your better of bying a TM shotty or a crossman. They are cheaper and wont brake as easy as a tanaka. So you can actually game it.