Originally Posted by TaroBear
What about the shell fed ones? I like the Benelli 3 and 4. And the SPAS is my favorite. All three have giant metal pipes as barrels, although the bodies are mostly plastic.
They do have metal pipes but the dissapointing pfft on each shot is a turn off if you like the bull in a china shop shotgun approach
Originally Posted by Able1
The Tri-Barrel system is just as effective for the fraction of the price of the gas powered ones, They are mad quiet and are great for CQB.
too quiet for a shotty, the point of using a shotty is to scare the shit out of the receiving end, the dreaded racking and that massive BANG is what makes teh shotty appealing to many users, the bad ass mofo with a pipe that can produced so much damage. when you use a shotty you are throwing out the silent approach