Originally Posted by Wantabe_Warrior
Sorry if this is hi-jacking post, but I'm looking at prescription Oakleys (Half Jacket XLJ) and I'll wear them as far up/back as they'll go, do you guys think/know if they will fog up or what would help stop them for fogging. Or are goggles with a fan a better (more effective) idea?
Oakley make great glasses and they're all ANSI compliant. However, the half Jackets (both lens shapes) are a horrible choice. They're nice, comfortable glasses (I own 2 pairs), but they have huge gaps that can easily let BBs come in contact with your eyes. Don't use them. They don't provide enough coverage to be safe for airsoft.
Currently, I use a pair of Oakley Split Jackets. I keep my "good" polarized lenses for regular day to day use, and swap out for the "cheaper" regular lenses for airsoft. They offer excellent coverage and will keep your eyes much safer. Make sure whatever you choose provide full coverage of your eyes. Half Jackets just don't cut it.