Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Seriously Dude?
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Just shut your mouth.
The 32 brits did a bayonet charge in afghanistan a couple years ago as they had run out of ammo against 120 taliban, they killed 90 and the 30 remaining fled. They suffered NO casualties.
The day you pull something THAT ballsy off is the day you get to open your mouth again.
Nice Piece Long, Good to see some of your WIP's come to fruition. I look foreward to seeing some of the other builds you have going on in the background as well 
Wow you took that comment WAY to seriously
I was reffering to this
Originally Posted by Qlong
Good thing I didn't get this

so how about you take a step back, breathe and re-read the context in which I made the comment