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Old September 24th, 2011, 18:37   #19
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: northern new brunswick canada
made some, such as ppsh drum pouch, gymnasterka soldiers shirt, early war y strap for equipment belt, rifle and ppsh sling, made own helmet from fibre-glas, own back-pack (big sack with shoulder straps!!)

altered others items to work/look right.......leather waist belt, gas mask /haversack bag,

and what ever else that was beyond my boy-scout baDGE ABILITY, I found on ebay or at gunshows, or from other members as used. ( russian trousers, leggings , jackboots, poncho /plascha , wedge hat-pilotka )

thats my story and applies to my ww2 german gear as well.
from don
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