September 23rd, 2011, 15:20
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Montreal
I'd like to do something like that myself... Having a manequin to put my BDU/vest/dropleg/helmet/mask/etc on, and hang my M4 and soon-to-come L96 on the wall! :P
Its a great storage for winter, but during summer, unless its a very calm one where I don't play often (like this year), I wouldn't take the time to don the BDU on it after every game... I could just quickly hang the vest, helmet and mask on it, just cause a white, naked male manequin in my bedroom would look fucking gay... lol.
Dedicated, Steady aim, Quartermaster , Infiltrator, Spider sense, Treasure hunter,
Dance, F**ker Dance!, Death or Glory, I Mean Business, Drama Queen,
Quadruple Bypass, Hypocritical Oath, Fortunate Son, Acrobatic, Gun Slinger, APC