After having plunked down so much money on gear in these past few months, it seems like a crying shame to stuff it all into the closet, or shuffle it into an under-bed storage container when you aren't actually playing/between events.
In the end, it's all big-boys (or girls) toys.. it's not really real, but it is associated with an activity that i have really come to enjoy. I already stuff a couple of (small) semi-classic, semi-restored motorcycles into my living room for the wintering months as rolling object d'arte to ease the pining for the good riding months to come around again .. what about setting up the gear on a display medium, to also ogle in the months that you can't sweat your arse off in it and otherwise enjoy in the good months for outdoor games?
I'm thinking of picking up a mannequin or stylized bust in the next little bit - it shouldn't cost more than an M4 magazine or two to do so, at the right source. Has anyone else done this, or am i going over into the deep end of eccentricity?
I think that it is fairly obvious that i live unattached, and alone.. no She Who Must Be Obeyed (SHMBO) to cow-tow to, in terms of my eclectic interior decorating choices.. so no comments on that, thanks