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Old June 6th, 2005, 02:41   #1
Lord Jebus
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Toronto

I'm just curious for those of you guys going to something like Keystone strike II... where you have to fly to get there and are transporting your AEG's. I'm living in Vancouver and I have plans to go back home to visit Toronto either the end of summer or christmas... But If I do go back home I'm curious what precautions I'd have to take if I wanted to bring my gun home... Do I fedex it to my parents place? take it in my luggage? Obviously it's not going carryon... lol

What do you say when you're checking in a gun case? I just think that what ever you say is gonna send up red flags everywhere... and if you DON'T say anything and they find it for some reason... I think you'd be F^*ked as well.

I've never had to do this before... Am I worrying about this for nothing?
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