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Old September 3rd, 2011, 18:31   #9
5kull's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by bomber439 View Post
It's not in my nature to pose. Hopefully this is for a good cause. This is my CF kit circa 1987/89. I have adapted the webbing to my (airsoft) need. I have removed the SAW mag pouch to replace it with an extra C7 pouch I have also added a 9mm pistol holster and a plastic/rubber bayonet. I hope this helps. Bomber

Cool picture, very good representation.

Very nice kit, I remember it well Loved the jacket and the pants, hated the combat shirt Hated the webbing too, if you wonder why, try living with it for a month in Wainwright I see you even have the gas mask bag, brings back memories of gas training

For a long time in the 80's we didn't have the band for the helmet, we used rubber bands made from the inner tube of a tire. The buckles on the webbing where often wrapped in gun tape. We used the FN C1 (FAL) wich I loved but they were so old, mine was made in 1958. Around 1986 trials started to find a replacement, in the lot I remember the M16 but my favorite was the FNC Nobody wanted the M16 at the time,r:1,s:18
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