cheap snipers and upgrades
I've now been playing for a couple years and I'd like to try out the role of sniper.
I have a couple questions tho.
I might have a good deal on a Mauser L96 (I think mausers are cybergun...). Now I know this will not compete with a Maruzen, of course... but I was wondering whats the best between a Mauser and a WELL L96? They are about the same price, give or take a couple bucks...
Then, lets take a look at how they work. To my knowledge (and I might be very wrong), all a sniper really is is a body, a bolt, a spring, a piston, a hopup and a barrel...
now I know some WELL rifles can fail quite easily... I don't know about Mausers. If I'm right the only thing that can really fail is the piston, the spring, the hopup or the bolt... Would it be a good idea to just start off with a stock WELL/Mauser and then from there, upgrade any of those parts that fail overtime? So if my piston fails... I can just replace it with a Maruzen piston for example...
The thing is that I'm on a pretty tight budget right now, so I can't afford a 700+ Maruzen... Thats why I'd like to start off with a cheaper one and build it up overtime... Would this be a good idea? Even the ones I see in the classifieds are very expensive, they are often upgraded like crazy, and at that point in time, I just can't afford those...