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Old August 15th, 2011, 02:07   #144
Reckless's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Ladysmith BC
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Tried a p90 the other day. Not sure if its from me being a larger individual but the gun just didn't seat into my shoulder comfortably. I like everything else about the gun though! Are there any sorts of 'pads' out there that offer a lower shouldering point on the p90?
hurricane extended butt pad? I'm 6'3" with gangly arms.. and I need that pad to comfortably run the P90. it really makes the world of difference.

** please don't point and laugh at the taped mags :P I only had the 2 for the testing/game today .. and no pouch for em ... no where near the way it will normally be used.... actually it's "normal" use/build will probably make purists cringe or point and yell LOL
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
Leader - M.E.R.C. multi enviroment recon CAVALRY

"SIR!, you've gone mad with power!"
"Ofcourse I have, you ever gone mad without power, it's useless, no one pays any attention"
The Cavalry Comes

Last edited by Reckless; August 15th, 2011 at 02:14..
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