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Old August 13th, 2011, 22:49   #36
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Mount Albert (North of Toronto)
If your talking about the lever on the left side of the stock, just below the ejection port cover, it's not a mag release, it's a bolt release as the A3 stays' open after the last round-like an M4. Sorry to burst your bubble- your stuck with the It really sucks that all the airsoft companies that make AUGs have been lazy and only made the A1. I know everyone calls the railed one an A2 but it's not, it's just an A1 SRR. I wish they would make a proper A2 as the top half of the upper receiver can be swapped out for the A1 style scope, SRR or the A3. Or better yet, I'd like to see an Aussie F88 railed.
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