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Old August 4th, 2011, 18:33   #34
sundae_1021's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Vancouver BC
Originally Posted by Caspian View Post
If you're actually thinking a woman is going to say 'Hey, nice gun! Want my number?' on an Airsoft field - you're sadly mistaken. There's always e-Harmony.
I agree that it is cool to have something different to others - for fun, that is. Taking a bright pink gun to a woodland game is like painting a giant willy on your back and walking into a gay club, you're asking for trouble.
And since when can you compare shirts to guns.

I do like the Hello-Kitty idea a lot.
I like the "hey, nice gun" but not the "want my number?". I came to an airsoft field to play and enjoy airsoft, not to ask somebody's girlfriends number. If you think that's what I wanted to tell all the people here - sorry bud, you're completely wrong.
And I am not forcing anybody here, to paint there gun w/pink. I am asking if they want to do it in there gun.
And I didn't compare the shirt itself the gun. But the color. It's not hard to get what my point is.

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