Well, I had my first failure of my 10/22. Read on because it's not what you think.
We played on Sunday, and I was using my 10/22 and pistols. During a game the bolt seemed like it seized up. I could rack it but it would not fully seat into battery. When the bolt was back the nozzle seemed very hard to move.
I said oh well, guess I'll just use my pistols for the rest of the day.
Fast forward to tonight when I actually took it apart. I found out the piston and cylinder o-ring were BONE DRY! Yes folks, I had not used oiled in my gun since I got it (well maybe the first mag fill or two, or one in between somewhere).
So it was totally user error. Didn't have to take it apart to remedy it but that's just how it happened. Added oil to the oring and piston and it cycles like a dream again.
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Last edited by Styrak; July 22nd, 2011 at 02:53..