Just because I didn't take the time to post my pics from that set yet, here they are :
Kitlist because I felt nice :
SG flight suit
Mechanix M-Pact gloves in CB
Bijan knee pads
Danner GTX
Mich 2000 with ESS profile and Surefire HL-1
Oakley M-Frame
1st line :
FSBE warbelt with suspender
Safariland 6004 on FSBE Safariland adapter
CSM light holder with Surefire G2
Gemtech Lanyard
CSM dump pouch
2nd line :
EI Ciras in CB
CSM Ciras sling
Benchmade Nimvarus in EI sheat
FSBE admin panel with flashlight
FSBE hydro carrier
DBT breaching tool holder (had a homemade hooligan in there for most of the game but I had left it in the car)
FSBE mag shingle
FSBE .45 mag pouch x 2
FSBE M4 pouch x 2
FSBE smoke grenade pouch
FSBE frag grenade pouch x 2
FSBE M60 pouch