I use a real Peltor Comtac II headset with Wouxun radios. I ended up having 3M Peltor make me a PTT. They offer a Kenwood type PTT as a standard catalog item, but my headset is dual comm enabled via a single down lead cable.
I would contact MSA and see if they offer a single pin Motorola PTT for sale. If they do, you can get the part number and see if a local retailer has it. If not, I know that they will make you a custom PTT, but I expect it to be $100 to $150 USD. As long as you have a NATO standard jack, any real NATO jack PTT to Motorola single pin should work. The clone NATO type PTT's are not wired the same, so they won't work (as you already found out.)
Also, as for impedance, I would work on the PTT first. For the Peltor headsets, such adjustments are made in the PTT. I found that out after a long technical discussion with the Peltor techs in Sweden that actually made my PTT. In the end, they had me swap out my real Peltor mic with a clone mic, and back to the Peltor mic, showing me that both are interchangeable (my peltor mic also works on the clone Element Peltor headset.) So your Sordin headset could also be the same. The reason that I mention this is that if you want to be 100% sure about your PTT working with your radio, send the radio and headset in to them if they make you a PTT.