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Old July 5th, 2011, 12:32   #18
old_and_slow's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Surrey, UK
Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
The motor adjustment screw is loose and actually tightens as you fire, seizing the mechbox. You need to loctite it in place (medium strength so you can still adjust it later, I think its the blue one) so it doesn't move while firing.
Hi guys - sorry to resurrect this post however......................

I have joined from the UK as there are too many people (kids) in the UK giving incorrect information. I hope you do not mind.............

Re the quote above - what is the ideal setting for the screw? I have noticed my one has tightened and I am unsure how loose/tight it should be.

I have read that other airsofters consider the ICS mechbox to be good upto a M140 or 150 spring. Due to UK site limits I plan to use a Systema M130 in the standard box. Does anyone have any observations on that?

If I were to be going to upgrade the box internals for single shot DMR use what would be the best components to fit. I am limited to 450fps as a DMR. I would be limiting myself to a M130 spring.

Gun spec is currently standard except for M120 and Madbull 6.03 TB

Thanks guys in advance.
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