Originally Posted by DarkAngel
300$ is a "decent gun" ???
"Mcdonalds makes decent burgers"
"The ribwich is a decent alternative to ribs"
"Volvo owners are decent drivers"
"NDP voters are decent hard working people"
"NDP have come up with a decent financial strategy"
Must I go on?
and agreed on the later point of "cheap crap" i hace owned mostly cheap crap, JG a Kraken a TSD VSR even with upgrades, the one stock TM MP5SD6 that a shoved an m4 inner into was a much more consistant platform, with our crappy projectile a good stable platform make a heap of difference that you notice when usein "cheap crap", just try shooting my VSR its got a crapload of PSS10 parts in it it shoots far and carys energy out to the target no problem, almost always takes at least two shots to hit anything over 250ft not satisfactory for a sniper as im always having to give away my position.
wouldnt it be cheaper to get another crossman?