Originally Posted by Noob7_0
Hello Everyone
My brother and I are considering joining the world of AS.* We both have a background in paintball mainly speedball (don’t be a hater) with tactical/scenario experience as well.* I just have a few questions about the AS culture and how games are typically played.*
Firstly Welcome to the site, and the sport. please go through the
FAQ and get yourself
Age verified if you are 18+
Originally Posted by Noob7_0
1)***** Where / how often are games played (located in Peel Region)?* Can I expect to be able to play a few times a month without driving across the province?* From my understanding there really aren’t any places in the GTA that have “walk-on” type pickup games like paintball and AS matches are more like events planned in advance.
There are games which take place weekly they are usually posted here
you can meet verifiers at most events.
Originally Posted by Noob7_0
2)***** How far in advance are games typically planned?
depending on the depth of the scenarios and scale anywhere from a week to a year +
Originally Posted by Noob7_0
3)***** What happens in the winter?* Is it considered an off season and only the hardcore remain outside?
There are some indoor fields that run airsoft games through the winter and there are the few players which host outdoor games (weather permitting)
Originally Posted by Noob7_0
Stupid questions I know but they are the kind of things that I couldn’t find on the website.
As long as your questions are well worded and thought out, and you take the answers along with advice you will find we don't mind.