I have a KWA M93R NS2 (same thing as the KSC sys7 but with aluminium slide).
Mini review written on the spot:
Shoots at ~345fps wich is pretty decent for a pistol. I'll admit I had some problems at first (after a good 10x38rounds mags) but once i found the parts it was a breeze to fix.
It's quite easy to work on and resistant when it decides to: It took a real beating last saturday when I first fielded it. It was always falling from my crappy holster into the sand, dirt, earth and other stuff you don't want to see in there. Nonetheless it continued to work, until it couldn't take more of it towards the end of the day. Opened the whole thing, gave it a good bath, ckeaned and dried it all and it's now working better than ever.
The mags are all OnePiece, CNC'd and all metal. Makes them very solid and heavy, quite satisfying. The gun will take PTP M9's mags from ksc/kwa (sys7/ns2) and the bigger M93RII ones (38/48 rounds).
Big big advantage, you'll be able to shoot approx. 3 full mags before having the fill them with gas again! I use propane on mine.
3 rounds burst and full auto are a very nice addition to a M9, and the forward grip really helps to keep control of the recoil. The kick is quite hard too but not excessive. A small folding stock can be used if used as a primary.
The only downside I see: there's virtually no aftermarket parts, at least for now, except for a tightbore inner barrel made by KSC which doesn't seem easy to find. So you won't be upgrading that gun much, but it's great as it is.
Hope this help!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Real life comparison,
GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle
AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh