If you want higher power, use actual Top Gas, Toy Jet Gas, or one of the other higher power gasses. Guarder 'blue can' is apparently lower PSI than one of the rebranded propane cans.
Beyond that, the numbers you're showing aren't that far off.
Regarding your questions on shock/impact, depending on your spring guide setup, shock is usually transferred to the receiver insert and the receiver itself. However, if you have a short stroke setup or shock buffers of some type, then yes, the impact will transfer to the hop up chamber, slide lock lever pin, and also, to the receiver (both the insert and the external).
When moving back to battery, shock is on the slide lug, the chamber, hop up unit, the slide lock lever pin, and again, the external receiver.
Using an IK fixed barrel will NOT have any impact against that slide lug. It's why this barrel was developed this way. It will increase the life of your slide infinitely. You can even use this barrel with a slide that's had its lug completely sheared off.
I honestly wouldn't worry about that much. By the time you actually see any appreciable damage, you'll be old, grey, and bored of airsoft by then.