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Old May 13th, 2011, 17:33   #1126
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
For what it's worth, I've never seen any type of muzzle threads on a Guarder barrel before (which are made of steel, by the way. NOT aluminum.)

You might have something else entirely different in your gun, like a Creation barrel, or Tanio Koba. Both of those are made of aluminum, with a threaded muzzle.

If my hunch is right about your stuck barrel issue, next time, try knocking the barrel inwards instead of slapping the back of the slide. If it releases that way, then you should STOP hitting the back of the slide to release it, because the problem will actually get worse if you do that often. Again, that's assuming my hunch is right on what's causing the problem. And if this is, in fact the problem, then hanging a silencer off the muzzle will compound the issue and eventually destruct your slide.
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