This may not be directly linked with airsofts, but I want to make a project linked with airsoft guns, games or anything else for my last year of high school. The project will be done next year, but I have to come up with an idea now so I can present it to a jury or something who will accept it or not (and tell me what I have to change in it if not).
Basically, I have the choice to make a creation (build something), an event (like organising an airsoft game or something) or an essay of 4000 words about a problem (f*ck that).
At first, I wanted to make a creation and make a ghillie suit, but then I learned that one of my friends has been planning to do one for a long time already. So I am left here with no project idea, and I need to have one for next Tuesday.
Any idea? Your help is greatly appriciated!