Bravo! Well Done Drake!
Originally Posted by PMC84X
But this is what I was told from someone who talks to a Staff member on ASC Regularly.
This "someone" woudln't happen to be the same guy you screwed over repeatedly and promised for months and months that you would pay him for his gun, even though you've had it in your posession for months already would it? The same guy who, when asked for his money or to get his gun returned, you started yelling at him and accusing him of being a shitty friend when in fact you were the one who owed him money for months. The same guy you offered a craptacular franken-clone AK in exchange for his CA MP5.
After all, all the "gun work", the new guns you keep aquiring, all the games you keep going to and the hours you spent on the minecraft server, I would think you would be able to afford paying him back first. Cause settling your debt should come first before your own fun. Right?
Sounds to me like you need to get your shit together. You're lucky that "someone" is a much better friend to you than you think, and refuses to give you negative feedback dispite the majority of the community telling him that he should.