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Old April 30th, 2011, 22:18   #1
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Fredericton NB
A&K Masada replacement part...

I just got my Masada in, so I opened her up and noticed that none of my mags were feeding properly... so I looked inside, gave the feeder nozzle thingy (the part that goes into the mag to receive the BBs) a little flick, and it came right off. I've got a 450$ paperweight on my hands, don't I? As far as I know this part is proprietary, right? Even the barrel replacements don't have the lower half, afaik.

I've had a look at hop-up unit replacements for it; but I can only seem to find the upper half. correct me if I'm wrong:

(The gun was opened up once prior to change the spring)

Just in case, this isn't my first AEG.

And... pics.

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