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Old April 28th, 2011, 01:02   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Toronto, Canada
vega force sopmod vs kwa

i am trying to make an extreeeeeeeeeeemly tough decision right now and im wondering if you guys can be of some assistance. i am in for a new rifle and i have my eye on two companies in particular. vega force m4 sopmod has tickled my fancy since i saw it. the same goes for the kwa m16 br and the kwa sr12. im jsut wondering how these two companies can compare to each other seeing as they are such high end companies. i know the kwa internals are different from vega force and have proven themself all over the world. i have also herd wonderful things about evega force. im looking to place my order this week so any realistic comparision anyone can do from experience would help alot. thanks guys and thanks asc!
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