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Old April 26th, 2011, 10:14   #37
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Question for you onwers : how loud is the thing ? All GBBRs I had in hand so far had huge bolt carrier and so : very loud sound even with my Gemtech G5 (best I ever had for noise reduction).
The 10/22 has internals a lot lighter/thinner so I'm guessing it may be a lot more quiet.
Most of the noise in this is from the barrel. This is one of the few airsoft guns out there that actually have a loud muzzle report. I tried a Firepig on mine just for kicks, and it was LOUDDDDDD! lol. I may have to keep it that way.

The bolt assembly is fairly light weight, which is why felt blowback is low, cycling speeds are fast, and the overall mechanical noise is low (also due to the simplicity of the mechanism.)
I haven't had a chance to try a silencer yet, but now you've got me curious. Maybe when I get time, I'll try it out.

TSC has just released a slew of steel internal components which I'm intent on installing in to mine.

Last edited by ILLusion; April 26th, 2011 at 10:22..
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