First gun was an ECHO 1 SCAR. Love it. Was a bit on the heavy side and a bit awkward at first but got used to it. Nice that it took the M4 mags. The mech box is a bit of a pain to take apart because of the ambidextrous mag release and fire selector.
Bought it used, upgraded the ho-up and that's it. Folding stock has a tendency to break, as well as the check riser.
Currently using a ICS M4 CQB sportline. Very nice. Easy to change out upper receivers. It's a Cansoft version but I don't mind.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.