ICS M4. When it worked, it was great... But this particular ICS was possessed by evil and it literally broke every game I fielded it. While that was a headache, it helped teach me how to take them apart and work on them, yes once you take a gun apart a million times to replace everything, you get to be pretty damn good at how to replace parts, and how to adjust pieces to get the best performance out of your gun.
Now I have a custom M4 that I built, tuned, adjusted, customized myself, and I wouldn't have any other gun. But I wouldn't have this one if it wasn't for my first.
Lesson here? Do alot of research and talk to people before you purchase, also remember you get what you paid for. In my case, I payed alot, some told me this brand was OK, some said avoid it. Do the same, and spend your money wisely, spend it the first time correctly, or you will be re buying before you should.