Alright folks, I have decided due to cost and some other factors that I will not go into here that I want to make the jump from paintball to airsoft, but I need some advice. First of all the stats... here is the gear I currently own for paintball (for those of you that have played, know and understand the sport).
Primary: BT TM-15 with RipClip, FLASC SQB Barrel w/APEX tip
Secondary: Kingman Chaser .43cal
Backups: Smart Parts SP-1 / Ion
Soft Gear:
BT "Woodland" (CadPat) Pro Pants and Jersey\
BT Empire Event (CadPat) Mask
BT Merc Vest with various and sundry pouches
Invert "Woodland" (CadPat) gloves
Puxing 400-470Mhz (FRS Channels) Radio
No Name Throat Mic
There's about a hundred other small side things that I won't list here cause it would take all day.
Here's my question... I already know what my first gun package is going to be... it will be cheap, it will probably break easily.... oh the heck with it... it's this thing:
Colt M4A1 On Duty Package
Why? Cause it's VERY cheap money wise ($100 before taxes) and because I can walk down to my local hobby shop and pick it up tomorrow (if I had the cash).
My question is... knowing that the better guns cost more... and knowing that I like the M4/M16/G36 style... What Should My SECOND gun purchase be? The one I will save up for that will last me until I find a new gun that I just have got to get?
I know, I know, I shouldn't buy the cheap one first, I know that it will give me problems but there are a couple of factors here... first... it took me almost a year to save for my beloved TM-15 and even then I had to sell one of my gaming consoles to pick it up. But at this point, I just want something that I can shoot so I can test the other aspects of airsoft to see if I am finding a new and better sport or if I am just going to end up in the same place 5 years down the road.
Two more questions; Some recommended websites and shops located here in Ontario would be much appreciated. Links or Phone numbers please! Two; fields in the Belleville Kingston Area that are regularly running airsoft games would be much appreciated as well.
Thanks in Advance for your help!