ok what i mean was on the recoil spring, the spring obviously sits on a rod, then at the end of the spring towards the back of the gun is a larger dia. piece of alum., so the spring doesnt have "play". at the end of the larger dia. there is a rectangular block of aluminum, that block is what cant go into the receivers but is in between part 27 and is what sits on the hinge. now the larger dia. rod that sits at the end of the spring is where your recoil comes from, your bolt slams back and hits this larger dia. transferring the force to the rectangular block which in turn hits your hinge plate. if i had pics of it, itd be alot easier to describe :-)
I will not cast anything. wether it be steel aluminum, carbide, tool steel anything. i wont touch it. Cast is worthless, just a quick and cheap way of building something, that inevitably will fail much faster than billet. it looks shitty, and well quite honestly is shitty. i absolutely hate it. It may work for some applications but not for what this. theres going to be about 5 ops required to make it. but making a fixture is easy, if it goes to mass production, i may not be able to fixture a bunch of parts for the last 3 ops but nobody said i couldnt run it on 8 vices :-) and again, as i said many posts ago, im not going to do it in steel unless this aluminum fails. I have seen this 6061 stand up to many things and still walk away. Im fairly confident it will be enough. You have to remember this is for airsoft. It does take abuse and quite a bit, but its not a real steel nor will it ever be. Its not like you are actually "Firing" a bullet off in chamber causing massive recoil such as the SCAR H (.308) if that were the case then without a doubt id make it steel, but alas we are in airsoft using gas much less power much less kick, much less force. Steel is unnecessary as of right now
Last edited by deadlydayne; March 25th, 2011 at 23:47..