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Old March 25th, 2011, 10:40   #63
Dire_Wolf's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Originally Posted by deadlydayne View Post
Dire you dirty bastard, tryin to scam free parts already :-) hahahaha that was another of my thoughts. I have the CO2 Gen 3 Scar so it was always open bolt. i dont think i myself will be getting the steel bolt that may be another one of my fun projects is make a cnc versions
^_^ of course!!

seriously though, best way to test something is to put in the hands of users that are known to break bits... i know of a guy here in calgary who's got a broken part 27, and he didn't even break a hinge plate first...

and not to be contrary or anything.... but are you sure you have an open bolt scar? the CO2 version changed the valve design from 3 post to 4 post, but the system stayed the same... still had a brass tube... if there's a brass tube inside the ejection port when you lock the bolt carrier back, it's closed bolt...

Originally Posted by deadlydayne View Post
alright so time for my update again, sorry no pics. but as for main design of the part, i havent really found any room to thicken any tabs except for the top tab that sits under the rail, mine snapped the top tab off as soon as i shot the gun the first time. so stock the upper tab sits at a total thickness of .190" and i found enough room to make it .260" with a little room for various gun differences. Im still looking for other areas to improve, drawings are almost done tho, so next week should start programming for toolpaths and hopefully round wednesday or so ill be making prototypes.

I don't really think you need to reinforce any dimensions on the part, just the material is really all that's needed.
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