Thread: Rifle holding
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Old March 23rd, 2011, 18:32   #26
kullwarrior's Avatar
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Originally Posted by Firewalker View Post
Just shoot how it's comfortable for you to shoot while still staying stable. If you're worrying about how to hold a rifle because some DVD told you that you had to hold it a specific way, you'll be too busy trying to place your hands properly instead of taking down the tango.

Besides, the idea of what's "right" and "wrong" changes almost monthly depending on who is huge with IPSC and is laying down the lead.

The fact of the matter is, if you've got a good position and it's stable while keeping your silhouette reduced, then you're fine. Whatever works and keeps you alive.
True for people don't intend to use airsoft as training tool for firearms.
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